Student 10-Minute Presentation
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity
Student Competition
Tatiana Nicole Bush
Graduate Student
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington
Elizabeth Murray
Assistant Professor and Director of the MT James Entomological Museum
Washington State University
Colton, Washington
Gengping Zhu
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington
Silas Bossert (he/him/his)
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington
Ecological niche modeling requires several choices prior to running the modeling including what environmental variable sets and what type of buffering to choose, but how much does that change the outcome? In this case study, we change either the environmental variable set (Adapt West or BioClim) or the buffering type (MCP or point) and then reconstruct the results one variable at a time across a trimmed Bombus phylogeny using the R package Nichevol (Cobos et al. ). Nichevol takes a phylogeny, environmental variable, occurrences, and buffer region to reconstruct one variable at a time across the phylogeny based on the values in the buffer regions. Bumble bees (Bombus) have caught the interest of the public and scientists alike, leading to numerous species records across many citizen science platforms (e.g., iNaturalist), well-known life history for many species, and a relatively well sampled phylogeny making it the perfect genus for this case study.