Fluon (PTFE) is commonly applied to insect traps to increase capture of woodboring insects. These traps are used to detect and monitor invasive insect pests. Use of fluon has become standard for both Lindgren funnel and cross-vane intercept traps. Fluon is typically applied by the manufacturer prior to shipment. However, reapplication of Fluon after two or three years of use is recommended to increase longevity of traps since Fluon degrades over time. Sourcing small-scale batches of PTFE is difficult and some manufacturers that were commonly used are now defunct. These products differ between manufacturers in odor, formulation, and adhesion. Additionally, there are concerns about the long-term availability of Fluon due to the potential negative environmental effects of PFAS. We treated black cross-vane intercept traps with a 50% dilution of PTFE dispersions manufactured by different companies and compared trap catch to pre-treated traps, untreated traps, and traps coated with an aqueous carnauba wax emulsion.