Student 10-Minute Presentation
Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity
Student Competition
Caitlyn Nicole Castillo Campbell (she/her/hers)
Student Researcher
University of California
Jurupa Valley, California
Christiane Weirauch
University of California
Riverside, California
There is a wealth of knowledge surrounding the Miridae (Hemiptera : Heteroptera) subfamily Orthotylinae, in both the citizen curated database iNaturalist and the academically curated database the Planetary Biodiversity Inventory (PBI). Using these databases, we compiled the observed distribution ranges, phenologies, and host plant information of California Orthotylines. However, the information in these sources have yet to be comprehensively synthesized. The correlations found between the databases should be used to create an ecological-inclusive key to California Orthotyline genera. The poor documentation within these databases underlines the importance of standardized methods of data collecting.